Marisol MacGregor


We’re being called

to evolve right now.

Reroot + Lead from Evolutionary Wisdom


Hi, I’m Marisol,


an Evolutionary Leadership Coach, here to support humans in connecting with our Evolutionary Wisdom, by rerooting to our embodied intelligence.

An elemental shift is rooting during this era of collapse. In this age of accelerating Artificial Intelligence, and the divided conversation of humanity’s destruction vs. progress, it’s vital to connect to our sense of embodied intelligence––the place where we know how to weather discomfort and uncertainty, during this (r)evolutionary time of global change.

To do this, we must learn to get quiet and listen. We’ve been programmed by a culture of fitting-in and dominance, through our tribal evolution and a history of competition, oppression, and scarcity. In short, we have a whole bunch of instances throughout our lives where we weren’t able to hear our feeling body’s needs over the noisy ‘survival’ thoughts in our heads––to our emotions and body.

By listening to our felt relationship with the scarcity––unmet needs––that triggers our fight, flight, freeze responses, we can begin to reroot to a rhythmic intelligence; where the decisions and actions we make come from who we are, instead of our body’s default survival mode. Through mindful and body-full practices, we can connect to the deep knowing of our needs, and how they complement or contrast those around us, to lead from empathic, boundaried, & supportive life interactions––our evolutionary wisdom. The wisdom that as we know who we are, we will have more space to find safety and belonging to ourselves, that grows towards others.

Every second, you walk in the sacred ground of your body. Your body that’s gestated across m(/b)illions of years and generations of your family –– human, pre-human, more than human –– coded in your unique energetic DNA. The code that helps us connect, to our sense of being rooted. There is nothing more important than tending to this.


The world needs your Leadership.


I support Leaders (all people who are connecting with their deeper Wisdom –– especially BIBOC – Black, Indigenous, Bodies of Color– and White-bodied Allies) in cultivating resilient internal strategies to establish a sense of safety amidst the uncertainty that comes with excavating ourselves through our survival responses. Through developing an energetic (boundaried) forcefield that allows us to stay rooted in our Wisdom, we can Lead Powerfully within the new reality that’s emerging amidst collapse.

I'm a Systems Thinker with a background in Technology and Adult Development. I emphasize an Evolutionary Worldview, which anchors a powerful sense of navigating complexity in our human experience as ‘a drop in the ocean’ and ‘the ocean in a drop’, toward growth, inclusion, and discernment, at this turning point in humanity’s evolutionary timeline.

I’d love to support you on the journey of your evolution.


Leadership Coaching

Explore your Evolutionary Wisdom –
learn the Operating System of patterns, perceptions, behaviors, and energies that your MIND and BODY access intelligence from.

Discover the alignments and disconnections between what your MIND and BODY are needing, and how this impacts the people, opportunities, and experiences that gravitate to your reality.

Building a Forcefield around your needs is one of the most powerful practices we’ll create, to help you stay connected to your sense of Balance, & build the vision you have for your life. 

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In these times of do more, be better, go faster, how can we get to "I am ok right now”?

Operating from within the feeling of "being enough", balances our relationship between our internal and external world, and enables us resilience and fulfillment across our lives, personally and professionally. By understanding our internal landscape of emotional responses, patterned reactivity, socialized assumptions, values, strengths, etc, we can recognize the alignments and misalignments with the people and initiatives that influence the momentum of the changes we’re hoping for.

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